Friday, April 20, 2007

Heros Today

Everyone heard about Virginia Tech and the mass shooting by a psychotic loner. We heard all the batter about the way it was handled and what occurred. But there isn't much talk about the victims or what they saw in the few moments before death, and the heroes that arose from this tragic massacre

Liviu Librescu76, an engineering science and mechanics professor at Virginia Tech was one of the heroes on that day. He used himself as a shield to prevent the gunman from coming into the classroom. His students jumped out the windows to survive while he stood in front of the door. Librescu died that day, April 16, 2007. He survived the Holocaust in Europe, and he became a hero in the biggest school shooting in America.

Heidi Gather, her son Nick 12, and two of Nick's friends, crashed into a guardrail on a remote road. The guardrail collapsed, firing the car and its passengers into a icy waters. Gather was trapped in the submerged car with no likelihood of surviving in the cold waters. While Nick's friends tracked down someone for help, Nick was in the frigid waters with his mother, lifting her head above water. Finally, the friends came across an EMT who helped. The mother only suffered with hypothermia and Nick is a hero who saved his mothers life.

Incidences like these are seldom reported on. People today are less likely to make these gestures toward other people and risk there life for others. The acts are greately apprieciated and more occurances should be reported on more.

1 comment:

Anne-Marie said...

What makes some people "cut and run" in dire situations while others stand their ground and even give their life for others?

In a matter of seconds, Liviu made the decision to sacrifice his life for his students. He blocked the door with his body, knowing he would probably die from his actions.

It was the university’s failure to take action that resulted in the tragedy. Numerous students and several teachers had complained about Cho’s behavior, and at one point he was even required by the court system to seek psychiatric help.

Because the university took no action to remove Cho from campus, Liviu was forced to make a quick decision on April 16th and the actions he took would cost him his life.