The buzz that is going around now, as most of you already know, is about
Miss USA and her drinking problems;hanging out at bars and engaging in sexual misconduct. I mean come on, what is the big deal? She is 20 years old, who hasn't been to a bar when they were 20 years old or even younger the 20 now-a-days? Is she not
supposed to be making out with a guy? I mean what exactly is sexual misconduct?
Okay, so she is supposed to represent the US and be the perfect citizen while "wearing the sash". But who really is a
perfect person? She is from a small town in the south and moved to the
Big Apple of course she is going to get sucked into the big city party scene.
Mr. Donald Trump owns the Miss USA pageant, is not firing her and taking away her crown, but giving her anot

her chance. She does have to undergo rehab, which is
ridiculous but I guess has to be done for some kind of punishment. Nevertheless, there is controversy over that too, some say its a way of PR. I believe if Trump did fire her he would be a hypocrite. His oldest son was an alcoholic, and his other son was seen at bars frequently when he was underage.
With the sexual misconduct thing, if men were able to participate in the pageant and win a sash, do you think the media would give it this much attention? If that person allegedly was seen at bars, and engaging in sexual misconduct I'm sure people wouldn't care.
That's why I say, come on what is the big deal? Let her go out and be an average young women.
very good point kayleigh, everyone makes mistakes, and im sure she has learned her lesson. great blog!
i'm conflicted about this one. she was bahaving like an average girl, but isn't Miss USA supposed to be held to a higher standard? i guess i'm not a big fan of the whole pagaent thing to begin with so i agree with you that this is a lot of controversy over nothing. maybe she shouldn't have gotten involved in the competition if she wasn't ready to live by higher than average standards. i do feel bad for her.
Whoa - -
Miss America is supposed to be a role model. Drinking, excessive partying, and sexual promiscuity, are not role-model like behaviors, and certainly, I hope not the typical behaviors of the average woman.
In fact, part of the criteria of becoming Miss America is how effective of a role model you will be for young women in America. While it doesn't require that Miss America live in a cloister and take a vow of chastity, she must be discreet in her behavior and hyper aware that her movements and behavior will be scrutinized by an unforgiving public.
Furthermore Miss America should know, if she studied economics, that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Now that she wears the crown, she has certain obligations to perform and certain responsibilities to uphold.
As Miss America, she is representing an ideal and her ability to represent that ideal is something the judges evaluate during the pageant. I'm sure when asked what she intended to do if crowned Miss America, Tara Conner did not reply: Get wildly drunk, fornicate, and party round the clock. So, one could argue that Miss America either misrepresented herself during the contest or exercised bad judgment with her recent behavior.
My impassioned defense of the crown does not mean I endorse or embrace the values of the Miss America Pageant. Quite the contrary. I think the contest boils down to looks and nothing more. So maybe Donald Trump and the world deserve Tara Connor. With her beauty, she's probably escaped accountability for bad behavior in the past. Maybe she's never had to cultivate much of a personality because people find her looks captivating.
Maybe I'm promoting a stereotype about beautiful women - -all looks and no substance. But I also know that when a person is described first and foremost as having "a great personality" he or she is automatically assumed to be ugly. I also know for a fact that research has concluded that beautiful people get preferential treatment.
Finally, the whole concept of Miss America angers me because these women set the standard for beauty, and as a working mother, who has the time and money to be that beautiful? Doesn't it get boring agonizing over your caloric intake and always comparing yourself to other beautiful females? Doesn't that take time, effort, and energy away from doing something more meaningful, like developing a hobby or solving the problem of global warming? For goodness sakes, why worry about the dimpled fat on your posterior, which only you can see, and only when using a microscope, when there are polar bears stranded on ice floes!
Maybe that's why Tara Conner hit the bars. She wanted to escape the pressure that goes along with being as close to perfect as possible. Cheers!
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