Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Was it the right thing to do?

Saddam Hussein, former dictator of Iraq was trialed and sentenced by the people of Iraq. The Iraqis decided to give him the death penalty and hang him. Some would think the Iraqi people would celebrate the end of the murderous dictator, Saddam. Yet, many Iraqis are rioting and starting violence over the hanging and removal of Saddam from power.

The Iraqi people do have a reason to be upset at the US. At the moment, they have a bigger problem on their hands than the death sentence to a brutal dictator. A foreign nation invaded their country and is now sending more troops to protect the people from themselves.

Controversy is over America's involvement and what they should have done. The US did capture Saddam and a number of people believe the US government should have delivered the sentencing. Yet, Saddam's origin is Iraq, and he performed many unruly activities against the people in the nation.

Only a select few can tell another why America invaded Iraq, but currently we; Americans, are trying to create peace within Iraq and trying to help them create a stable government. An aspect of their government is capital punishment. The group of people that now govern the country decided to hang Saddam. It was not a US decision to sentence him with the death penalty nor did the US provoke it.

Was this a good sentence for Saddam? Did his death sentence create a turning point or change the war? The hanging of Saddam led to more violence, and another reason for the Iraqis to be angry with Americans. Killing Saddam didn't bring back all the people he brutally killed by gassing of tormenting them. Now, the troops in Iraq are having a harder time controlling the people. All the hanging did was create more chaos and agony. The war that was once said to be a quick and easy, has turned into a greater situation where the US made a worst problem then there was prior to the invastion.


Julianna said...

I feel like there is nothing that will stop the violence right now in Iraq. I wonder if the cell phone video hadn’t been released to the public, there would have been less violence as a result. Maybe not, I feel like this violence is inevitable based on the fact that most people over there wish that we would just leave. Oh and most people over “here” wish that we would leave too! So complicated.

Anne-Marie said...

There's something ironic about having to send "more troops to protect the people from themselves." It seems like everything we believe about Iraq - - that there were weapons of mass destruction, that the country would achieve democracy once Saddam Hussein was overthrown, and that the warring factions would find common ground in the creation of a peaceful government - - none of it has turned out the way we predicted.

Also, in my opinion the hanging seemed an anti-climatic end to a man who brutalized, tortured, and killed thousands. I don't think there is any punishment that could address the nature of his crimes.

Instead, we now have more people fighting over his hanging and the cycle of violence continues.